Biztalk Migrator To Boost Your Organization's Communications Automation Capabilities
BizTalk Migrator from DMS Group can help eliminate the hassle of keeping your organization's communications systems up and running. BizTalk Migrator is designed to automatically migrate your organization's communications systems to new versions, platforms, or locations with minimal disruption. Need a modern integration solution that scales faster than BizTalk Server Migrator can help you migrate your BizTalk applications to Azure in a simple and straightforward way. You can use Migrator to migrate individual applications or entire solutions. And, because Migrator is an automated tool, it will take care of all the migration details for you. BizTalk Server is a powerful integration solution, but it can be costly and complex to scale. If you need a faster, more scalable solution, consider using an iPaaS solution like Microsoft Azure Logic Apps. Azure Logic Apps provides many of the same features as BizTalk Server but is much easier to scale up or down as your needs change. ...